Friday, September 5, 2008

Hill workouts and the cyclists

Well, yesterday, I celebrated my "back-into-the-swing-of-things" workout with a nice run at the State park. I decided to invent a combination workout. It consists of an hour run through a hilly section of the area, which includes a couple of fairly long hills right in the middle of the course. I ran for 15 minutes as a warmup and then ran 3 of those hill intervals, with a one minute rest in between. Afterward, I continued on with the rest of the run and headed for the trails to complete the one hour run. It was a great run that combined a steady run over a rolling hills course, hill intervals, and trail running that was a perfect training run for Palo Duro. I left there inspired and enthused again.

At one point, I was about to attack one of the hill intervals when a group of cyclists appeared over the hill and began to ascend the hill I was about to run up. I started out at least 50 yards behind them and caught them halfway up the hill, passed them and then outran them to the bottom of the hill. It was great watching them struggle up the hill as I passed them on foot. They must have thought I was insane!

I know that life is full of ups and downs, but I always feel better when I face it head on and conquer my worst!

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