My first ultra (50k) was a success. I wasn't too sure about what pace to keep, so I ran very conservatively, which turned out well. I just took my time and ran for fun. The course was fantastic, and the volunteers were great. At mile 23, we veered off the marathon course and ran through a set of trails at Trinity Park, and that was great. The change of pace was good, and I really enjoyed the run down by the river.
I began to hurt around mile 27, and my thighs were hurting. My feet at mile 28 felt like they were on fire, and the hills began to make their presence known, especially between mile 28 and 29 as we were coming back into Fort Worth.
At mile 30, a Highway Patrolman was stopping traffic for the finish of the marathon, and he was trying to be jovial. He said, "only a mile to go, have it made." If only he knew. That last mile felt like it was three or four miles away.
What made my day, though, was when I got close to the finish line, and my son and his friends were standing there cheering me on. It felt great, and crossing the finish line was a great joy. I knew I had accomplished my goal, and 6 months of hard training was not in vain.
It was a great event, and I think I will consider running more ultras in the future. Perhaps the Sunmart 50 mile run will be my next ultra. We will see.
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